Within these new frames comes field forces that we must rely on to clarify and intensify the events that are being presented within them. Just like all other forms of communication, a two-dimensional field with no rules can leave a picture with no meaning. There are six major types of field forces that are used to capture the meanings of what we want to portray.
- Main directions
- Magnetism of the frame and attraction of mass
- Asymmetry of the frame
- Figure and ground
- Psychological closure
- Vectors
Horizonal lines make us feel calm, tranquil, normal, and at rest.

Vertical lines are more powerful and exciting.
Magnetism of the Frame: Borders and Center
The border and center of a frame act as magnets, because objects in the frame gravitate towards them.
Emphasizing the man's eyes and facial expression. Emphasizing the width of the ride.
Asymmetry of the Frame: Up/Down Diagonals
This diagonal slope of the mountain suggest that it is going up not down.
Figure and Ground
Our minds are always structured to establish a ground even if there isn't an actual ground.
Psychological Closure: Our tendency to mentally fill gaps in visual information to arrive at complete and easily manageable patterns and configurations.
One of the strongest forces operating within a screen directing our eyes from one point to another within.
These buildings create strong graphical vector forces as well as the lines and lights within them.
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